Don't let them in. Don't let anyone in. Keep to yourself, or you'll just end up hurting more people, you worthless piece of shit. She's right. He's right. They've always been right. It's your fault they do this. You caused it. She told you so.
Troye Sivans parents are alchoholics. That's how its been ever since he was young. His father is nowhere to be found. Not that Troye ever really considered him a father anyways, more just a man who beat the shit out him whenever he drank. And Troye believes it's all because of himself. When he was smaller, he was too scared to tell anyone. He can still hear the threats. And now, it's too late. He has nowhere to go, even if he did tell. He has no friends, no other family. He used to have a brother. Tyde. Oh, sweet, caring Tyde who would never hurt a fly. He had been Troyes lights, his only strength. But he was gone now. Not dead, just gone. Part of a different family now. A better family. One who could care for him, and love him, better than Troye ever could by himself. And it was all Troyes fault. How is he supposed to go on now? How is he supposed to go to school, and work a job, and provide money for himself, and his....mother. If only there was someone who could teach him how to capture the best moments in life. If only....
It's not the way that they/he thought it would be.
They're tired of avoiding. Exhausted of pretending. Dying inside smiling widely.
*taking place in 2017*
(the story is ongoing but you can stop reading it after every chapter and make your own conclusions)