it was dark, but yet way to bright that kind of unnatural light that always gleams off a snow covered city the wind was harsh against my face, whipping my hair into a frenzy I glanced over the ledge of the high rise, at the cars passing below always so loud they seemed to quite now almost to nonexistence I should be freezing my mind told me, only in my pajamas and soggy slippers it must be at least 12 below zero, but yet but all i felt was numb and then I heard the voices, they broke the silence I had come to think would never end they started as a small murmur in the distance then it got louder or rather one voice started yelling I stood for a moment it was strange the voice almost sounded familiar but that was before before I was pushed ____________________________________________________________________________________ DUN DUN DUN HI GUYS so i just got some mega inspiration and well just get excited cause i think you'll like this one XD. and yes this is a vanossgaming fanfic so as always DISCLAIMER: 1) I do not own any of the real people in this story 2) I do not dislike any of there said "girlfriends" or "boyfriends" this is fiction people!! even if we wish it weren't XD 3) I hope ye enjoy (::)All Rights Reserved