Let's face it, to some:
Our hearts are gross. Our hearts are insanely strong. Our hearts are fragile.
Hey, I get it. But guess what.
You can find beauty anywhere, you might just have to look at it from a different angle. Our hearts literally are the strongest things about us because of all the blood it needs to pump to keep us alive. But they can break, and when they do, it hurts like hell.
Not everything works out, and our hearts take the pain.
Some pain vanishes, some pain stays but it is there so long something happens and it turns into like a memory. Some pain never goes away. I know things can get tough, but pain helps us become who we need to be. Pain opens doors, ironically, that can lead way to the strongest and purest love you can find, and the love you need. You may read something you think is depressing and that's life. But the negative things you read might just help you appreciate the positive stuff you have.
You ready? I hope so, because now the summary is done and the poems have begun.
This is the first, there shall be more:). I hope you all enjoy this:)!
"We don't read and write poetry because it's cute, we read and write poetry because we are members of the human race." -Dead Poets Society
I'm a 17 y/o (Started this when I was 15) just wanting to share some of my poetry with people other than my friends :]
(Also feel free to comment any tips and how I could improve on my writing!)