First, Anderson says, "Quit choosing mediocrity. If you're unhappy with your life, look in the mirror. You created your unhappiness, and you can un-create it, too." Anderson continues, "Want out of the rut? Quit making excuses, pointing fingers, and waiting for a miracle to fly you out of Mediocreland."
Second, Anderson shares, "Don't expect overnight miracles. It's impossible to reinvent yourself over night. Massive change doesn't happen that way. Transformation does happen, however, when we are persistent and keep taking small steps forward every day. Single steps daily add up to big changes eventually."
Finally, Anderson states, "Don't wait for the perfect moment to go for it. Waiting for the perfect situation to unfold before we find the guts to make changes only prolongs our existence in the rut." Anderson goes on, "Don't wait for the stars to fall into perfect alignment before you decide to go for it. Live now."
The author of six motivational books, including A Better Life: An Inspiring Story About Starting Over and Extra Mile America: Stories of Inspiration, Possibility and Purpose, Anderson is also the creator of "Extra Mile Day" - a day recognizing the capacity we each have to create positive change when we go the extra mile. On November 1, 2015, 551 mayors and cities made the unique declaration and recognized those in their local communities who were going the extra mile in volunteerism and service.