"A gripping, masterful work, speaking with the triumph of the 'scene kid' spirit. Wrought with angst and heartbreak, the poets explore the subtle beauties of the gothic, misunderstood, 'it's-not-just-a-phase' mindset. Through the utilization of needlessly extravagant syntax, excessive black makeup, and ambiguous relationship issues, this poetry brings to life the dark corners of adolescence that most do not wish to remember. But now you're going to relive it. Sorry, sometimes life is like that."
- An honestly satiric reviewer.
(TRIGGER WARNING: While the original idea for this book was to poke fun at pseudo-emo culture, many of these poems also explore heavy themes such as depression, self-harm, abortion, and suicide. If mention of any of these topics will trouble you, DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER. As authors, we recognize that these are serious issues which may not bode well with some readers. Furthermore, we do not intend to address such subjects in an insensitive way, but rather explore them through writing and creative thought. If you are afflicted by any of the aforementioned topics, we encourage you to stop reading this book and seek out real help).