Note: This is the sequel to "The Black-Hearted Ninja"
"There are three sides to every story."
Cole is dead.
He is also living, technically. He breathes, he blinks. His heart beats in his chest. But Cole, Cole is dead. It takes more than a reversal spell to undo what he did. It takes more than an apology to make up for all he destroyed. He knows he was bad. He knows he is bad.
What's the point in living?
Cole is dead.
Jay is scared.
Of Cole, of being alone. Of the dark, and of weakness.
Of Nya.
He shouldn't be. Jay needs to be strong. Fear is his tyrant, and Jay is throwing a revolt. From now on, he saves himself. More importantly, he saves the people he loves.
Even if it means he gets hurt.
Jay has been hurt so many times he almost doesn't feel it anymore.
But Jay is confused. Nothing is how it should be, and he is willing to get hurt for someone he should want to die.
Confused, broken, faking he's fixed for Nya, questioning his own sanity,
Jay is scared.
Nya is changed.
She was once soft, and sweet, and kind. Yes, she had flaws, just like the rest of us. A bit overconfident, selfish, and indecisive, but Nya was human.
Then, Nya was willing to let people in.
But now, "Forgive and Forget" is not a part of her vocabulary.
How is she supposed to forgive the person who ruined her?
How is she supposed to forget how he did it?
Everyone tells her it's over. But Nya knows differently. Nya knows he isn't sorry, and Nya knows she's the only person capable of stopping a demon. Nobody else is smart enough, strong enough. Nobody else has Nya's power.
There's something wrong. Something dangerous. Nya knows this better than anyone, and she will do whatever it takes to keep her love safe.
She will protect her heart.
Jay is her heart.
Is time running out?
Is Cole all he seems?
Are the roles reversed?
And where does Jay stand?
"This is a promise. And I don't break promises."
People go through grief in different ways. Some grieve in a way that feels foreign and wrong.
"It's okay! You're allowed to feel this way!"
"But I'm not. It's wrong. It all feels wrong. I am wrong."
"You can start doing the right thing again! Just come back to them."
"I can't."
He was supposed to change the world, but around him the world burned.