I awoke to the smell of my husbands pancakes that he makes every Monday. "Good morning sweetheart, Bill called he said he wants me to go into work tonight and every night until Christmas and new years are over and I get twice the pay so it'll be a break for you, you can call out of work tonight so we can hangout all day. How's that?" My husband had the biggest smile on his face, I didn't know how I am gonna break it to him. "I-i cant . We need the extra money." I walked out of my bed and went straight to the bathroom. "You haven't token a sick day in forever, we don't need the extra money." His lips went to happy to unhappy in just a matter of seconds. "FINE GO!" He walked out before we both said anything We'd regret later. I got all ready and walked downstairs through the living room than I was finally at the kitchen table. "Smells and looks amazing thank you baby." I smile and pecked him on the cheek. "Sadly you can't stay for lunch." He replied back to me. "We always have dinner"
A young woman finds herself in an unexpected predicament when she becomes pregnant by her former boyfriend. She prepares to share the news with her ex, but destiny takes a tragic turn as she comes face-to-face with the very criminal she should have informed him about. To her surprise, she discovers that her ex-boyfriend is now the one defending the criminal in court.