Love, romance, kidnapping. What more could you want?
'"Ours..." he says softly, as she falls into a deep sleep...'
When Alia, a feisty young woman in line for her world's throne, gets kidnapped, she's not happy. She's confused, and freaking out, when she finds that her kidnapper is none other than the firstborn son of the rulers of the most powerful planet in not just 1, but 3 galaxies. It's his duty, willingly or not, to marry her. As the law goes.
But, as cheesy and impossible as it sounds, will she learn to actually trust him? Is she willing to get past the fright and the anger? And when she decides, her life, she knows, will never be the same again.
Filled with anger, frustration, confusion, compassion, trust, love, tears, giggles, piggy back rides, water-soaked clothes and a gorgeous little blue-eyed girl, this is Alai's story. And it's one she never intends to forget.
(Written by Milez)