Patrick has never been one to go looking for trouble, it just seems to go looking for him. From walking into a trashed classroom just as the culprits left at the same time as a teacher in primary school, to walking across the high school lawn, important paper in hand, when the sprinklers go off, Patrick has a knack for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
However his latest misadventure leaves him running for his life, and running into someone whose all but given up on theirs.
У каждого из нас в жизни есть люди, без которых мы не представляем своего существования. Сама мысль о том что они могут исчезнуть, приводит нас в ужас
А - темные засосы на твоей шее, скажи кто их оставил?
В - как ты поживаешь с тех пор как ты меня оставила?