"You aren't human, you never were."
"What the hell are you on about? You don't even know me," she shook her head. "I wanted you for one thing and you came in and changed everything, you need to stay away from me."
"I know you more than you know yourself honey, you just don't remember."
Knowing who you are and who you're meant to be are two things A'Shyntara hasn't fully grasped the concept of in life. She's always felt a void in her heart, ever since she could remember but never knew why. She just knew that she was going to get what she thought she wanted, one way or another.
Dominick has been waiting to bring her home for years, but how can he when she has no rememberence of their lives together? Of their proficized mission? He wants his magestic, the call to her and their destiny isn't one he can ignore anymore. She has to come home, has to remember. No matter what.