Dear reader,
Dude, I need your help. I have attached some letters to the back of this paper. Short stories too!!! I'm on the way to my execution. I think I was shoplifting, or maybe I killed a few people. I don't know. But does it really matter? I may or may not have had too many beers. Not a big deal.
But anyway, I'm in my cell, just having my last cup of tea, writing to you. Why you? That is a good question, my dear reader. I honestly don't know. I think they put something in my tea. I should stop drinking it. *takes a sip and clears throat*
Anyway, these are just some short (or long, I don't know) letters I wrote in my free time. Which I have alot of. You know, since I'm always in a jail cell and everything. Honestly, you never know what might go into this. No, really. Lately I've been thinking about writing a murder story. (I wonder where that idea came from...) I mean you never know.
I don't have a specific time or anything that I'm going to promise to send to you, just whenever I feel like writing something or someone gives me an idea that could be a good story. Anything can go down in here, so imma need you to sign the first paper attached to the letter. Do it and I will give you a cinnamon roll. Wait, no! That's the last one I will ever eat!!! You know what? Take it. I don't like them anyway. *lies* Shut it. Moving on. These are your requirements.
~ Sign the paper. I SAID SIGN THE DAMN PAPER!!!!!
~ Read at least one of my stories and tell me how you feel about it. I don't care, just some feed back. What I have to do better, how awesome I am, whatever.
~ Give me a ride to the insane asylum. No, I have to visit a friend. *lies* Shut it.
So now I you permit I on to carry on.
Your truly, Legend Sane
P.S. My executioner said that the only food to make a person cry is a onion, so I threw a coconut at his face. Ha, your welcome.
" this all is your fucking fault" all of a sudden I was slammed against my locker,towering over me was my arch enemy 'Sam the Dam'. My head was pounding against the hard surface,I hissed in pain glaring straight to him. He was fuming with anger like a predator ready to attack his prey. He stretched his right hand to grab my neck and placed the left one on my shoulder to keep me still. He lowered his chin to my ear and snarled "you are fucking dead 'Meth' ,if I have a slightest clue of your involvement in this shit, I will hunt you down till your last breath". I was choking on air and my vision was a blur ,for a while I thought I was going to die .Mustering all the courage that I could have found, I yanked him away from me. Mean while I was gasping for the air, that dickhead had his usual cocky smirk. I aimed at him and broke his nose ,blood oozing in droplets" want to mess with me Sammy! , first of all clear your own shit, you son of a bitch! "with that I punched hard-on his lower abdomen while he was still holding his bleeding nose, I left the locker room with a sense of victory.
Two competent boxers who can't stand each other for a moment without insulting.... Ultimately fall in love.
Man*man gay romance leave if you are homophobic.