Repairing. Verb
To fix or mend (a thing suffering from damage or fault.)
Everyone's afraid of rejection. Everyone tries to avoid rejection. But no matter how hard you try, everyone faces rejection. It's inevitable; a factor of everyday life.
We try. We try everyday. But it's never enough. There's always going to be that standard that we try so hard to grasp, but we can't quite reach. Then, we get put down for all of these standards we can't perfect.
Perfect. It's a noun, I know that. But I also know that I will never be that. Too many imperfections they say. Too many flaws. If you're too different, don't expect friends. Because they only want the beauty's, the smarty's, and the jocks. They don't want you.
If you're lucky, you'll be accepted. Accepted by society. If not, well, you know how that works.
Cry today, cry tomorrow, cry Thursday, cry Friday, till it becomes a ritual. You cry until that's not enough. Everyone finds their own way to reach a high. Until, of course, that's not enough either.
Death. It's also a noun. And it's inevitable. So what's the difference if you lay around waiting for it to happen, or if you do it to yourself? Everything. The say that, but they wouldn't seem to care if I were to disappear. Nobody would. Maybe Tyler. But who knows what he thinks anymore. I sure as hell don't.
I'm so tired of society choosing the way we live our lives. I'm tired of society choosing everyone's stories. My story. Our story's.
So here it is. The story. No, not the one society made. The one we made. Our story.
(WARNING: May be triggering, mentions of suicide and depression.)
Opia, tanıdık ya da yabancı insanlarla göz göze geldiğimizde yaşadığımız, kendimizi savunmasız ve kırılgan hissetmemize neden olan bir duygu türüdür.
Bu duygu, karşıdaki kişiyle bakışlarımız kesiştiğinde ortaya çıkan, iç gerginliğe ve ciddi bir duygusal duruma işaret eder.
İnsanlar, genellikle bu duyguyu yalnızca kendilerine özgü bir his olarak algılar; ancak, büyük ihtimalle karşı taraf da benzer duygular içindedir.
Başlangıç - 08.02.25