Title of book: Fighting with love, life and insecurities Characters: De'Niy-Main character Ta'Niy- De'Niy younger sister Missy- De'Niy mom David- Stepdad Helen- Grandma Sakai- De'Niy Bestfriend Malik 1- De'Niy sugar daddy Malik 2- De'Niy was dating him until she caught him with Bestfriend. J'Dan- De'Niy's Older Brother Kiya- De'Niy's older sister J'Dan Sr- De'Niy's biological father Nikki- De'Niy's First Bestfriend Jessie Jay: 107.6 Radio talk show host/ plus he wants De'Niy All of these are main characters and the rest just fall in....... De'Niy is a 25 year old woman. She has been through a lot within those 25 years. She's still going through a lot, but she struggles with insecurities, her past and her love life. Everyone has played a big part in it but De'Niy blames herself daily and when it's time for change what is she to do?All Rights Reserved