Mel is never one to jump into the middle of things. Even when her close brother, Markus, finds fame, fortune, and a different life through making videos on YouTube, she tries her best to study this new social hierarchy from a distance. But when the chance arises once again for her to follow her brother to Seattle for the gaming convention called PAX, she can't resist even if it is just a huge YouTuber showcase. Only, this trip would not be like the last. For instance, she never would have expected to become lost in the eyes of someone at the top of the YouTube class system, or lost alone in the dark heart of downtown.
You got into watching YouTube because one of your cousins works on a YouTube channel. You two were really close, but you could only talk so much once she moved to California. Once you find your cousin, though, your life gets turned upside-down... For the better. Meeting a ton of new people is just the start to the crazy road your life is about to go down, and maybe you'll find someone to join you along the way.