My name is Samantha. Call me Sam.
I'm what they call.. "a problem".
See, I have this extremely (for me) exciting and thrilling hobby.
For them it's "radical" and "illegal".
People who've never done it call it "hacking" we experienced people like to call it..
Being smarter than everyone else.
It's more of a series of pranks and jerk-moves that make everyone work real hard to fix it, but, hey.
Everyone has a hobby.
I mostly enjoy hacking into precious-oh-precious Jurassic World.
No idea.
It's just fun.. to.. um.. for lack of a politer term.. mess.. with their heads.
Their stupid little heads.
Didn't they see what happened in Jurassic Park?
However, I too, have denied messing with the that thing.
I'll drop Rexy an extra snack, or shut down the gyrospheres,
I've even given the Apatosaurus a bit of extra fun.
But that thing?
They're asking for trouble.
I mean, if you're going to hire a Navy Vet you should've gone for one of the less-death-wish prone ones.
I mean, Owen-fricking-Grady?
Oh, and there's the Indominus Rex, but whatever.
I mean, it's not that bad, right?
Look, Owen and I knew each other as little kids.
We were great friends and all, yea, but something tore us apart.
(as always in stories, huh)?
He was more out-doors-y
I was more.. in-doors-y..?
It turned out that we were too different to stay friends once Owen set his mind on joining the navy when he got old enough.
I wish I would've begged him not to go, to stay so we could face the world head-on, like brother-and-sister.
That was until I met him again.
Once we both had lives.
Well.. I had an internet life, so if that counts.
There was so much I wish I'd said.
I needed him.
Well, at the time I didn't see him the way I do now.
Before he was just my best friend.
Maybe now there's something more?