Devil Prince Hey, my name is Selene and this is the start when my life changed forever. I'm 15 years old moving to Yockleton,California. Its a quiet town that has lots of history. My family and I are living in this historical home. I do lots of research on history because that is my favorite hobby. I looked up when my house dates to and it say 1866. It says that a family of 4 lived here. It also states the son 15 year old Jason McDee. People say things about this boy being in the Devil Prince in his time. People also tell her that no one has lived in that home since 1978. I saw an article of a legend that, Jason's grave is cursed and if you go to that grave, you never come back to see another day. In other words you die automatically. The name is Jason McGee, "aka Devil Prince." I lived until I was 15 in 1866 when my dad came home drunk and decided to kill everyone in the house including himself. Pretty messed up in my mind. The legend about my cursed grave is true because i cursed the grave myself. After I cursed my grave i was sentenced some how to stay in my house where I was killed in with my little sister who was 9 at the time and her name was Ashlynn. She was my little angel that I love and she stays at the house with me even though she can go to heaven with our mom. I'm in my room and can see a new family with a girl my age. I can see Aslynn come from her room to mine and give me the "don't scare her because I want to know her" look.All Rights Reserved