Once upon a time in a faraway land, a young prince lived in a shining castle.
Although he had everything his heart desired, he was selfish, spoiled and unkind.
On top of it all, this prince was special. This Prince could control snow and ice.
One winter's night, an old begger woman came to the castle and offered him a snowflake for shelter from the bitter cold.
Repulsed from her haggid beauty, the princes smeered the gift and turned the old woman away but she warned him not to be decived by appearances, for beauty is found within.
The prince dismissed the woman once again; the old womans ugliness melted away to reveal a beautiful enchantress. The princes tried to apologize but it was too late, for she had seen that there was no love in his heart.
The enchantress, as his punishment, took away the prince's powers of snow and ice as well as a spell on the castle and all who lived in it.
Ashamed of his freakishness, he locked himself inside of his castle; his magic mirror was his only glipse into the outside world.
The snowflake she had offered was truly an enchantment which would freeze until his twentieth year; the snowflake would stay frozen if the prince could learn to love and earn another's in return by the time it completly melted. Then, the spell would be broken.
If not, the spell would never be broken and the prince would never remove his powers.
As the years past, the prince fell into dispear and lost all hope.
How could he ever learn to love if he couldn't love himself first?
Based on Walt Disney's Pictures "Beauty and the Beast"
I do not own the story line or the characters, credits go to Disney and Dreamworks.
A group of fic's detailing some of the more major scenes of A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas from the point of view of Rhysand as he experiences Feyre for the first time. Includes:
Chapters 20-21: Calanmai
Chapter 36: The First Trial
Chapter 37: Feyre Makes the Bargain with Rhys
Chapter 39: Rhys Reveals the Bargain
Chapter 40: The Second Trial
Chapters 43-45: The Third Trial/Feyre Dies
Chapter 46: Rhys Sees the Mating Bond
I found this on internet.
Hope you enjoy!