She had a regular life. A nice, peaceful, regular life with her friends, in the country she had dreamed of living in. Things were looking up. A successful YouTube channel, Jasper (loony best friend) had found a boyfriend, a cool dude named Phil. Who happened to be Dan's best friend. And Dan, well he was perfect. Perfect for Autumn. Her small world implodes however, when she is introduced to the darkness threatening earth and the population residing on it. Mythology is no longer fiction. Nix (Nyx, Greek Goddess of Night) and Jupita (Jupiter, Roman God of Sky) wake Autumn (Athena), Jasper (Hypnos), Dan (Apollo), and Phil (Eros), and the four learn their true identities. But along with confusing, exciting news comes an extreme downer. Rogue; power-hungry; Ares (God of War and bloodshed) wants hell on earth. Fire and all. To achieve this, he needs to rid the remaining, very much needed Figures from Earth. And first on his list, is very, very, much-needed Vesta, God of Family. Humans are a needy bunch, aren't they? Nyx, Jupiter, Apollo, Eros, Hypnos and Athena set out to save the world. But can they all cope with this heavenly weight on their shoulders? Or will some find their own way out?
Bangchan,Mladý chalan venujúci sa spevu sa jeden deň rozhodne adoptovať si hybrida. hybrid bude sprva opatrnný,tichý,bojazlivý a v celku, veľmi uzavretý do seba. zmení sa to postupom času? dokáže ho Bangchan zmeniť?
výplod z mojej hlavy, idolov nemá nijako sexualizovať, či hocijako znehodnocovať
začiatok: 8.2,2023
pozastavené(od do): 9.2,2023-17.2,2023
koniec: 9.3,2023
21.2,2023: 1. v #straykids
20.2,2023: 2. v #hybrid
6.3,2023: 1. v #Fanfikcia
18.3,2023:1. v #Boyxboy
-kniha obsahuje smut-y
-v realite nikoho neshipujem,celý príbeh je výplod mojej fantázie,ak sa niektoré postavy budú chovať inak ako v realite, je to preto aby sedeli do knihy