Past, present, and future. All equally important, all impossibly different, and all irrevocably intertwined.
Yet time only marches forwards; time marches towards the future. The past is constantly at risk of being forgotten, getting lost in what is and what will be.
The friends you made, the lessons you learned, the places you saw- you would never let them be forgotten. You were going to immortalize your story in a place where even time can't reach; the infinite sky, backdrop to the stars, the only constant that exists no matter where you are.
"Let's put our stories in the sky, so that no one can forget them."
A Reader-Insert Crossover story featuring far too many fandoms, though focusing on Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy games. You don't have to know anything about ANY of the fandoms to enjoy the story, so I hope you give it a chance anyways~
I don't own ANY of the characters, save for any original characters, they all go to their original creators! I do however own the plot!
* NOTE: The story IS rated PG13. That means there will be mentions things like gore/violence, cursing, references to sex/drugs/and alcohol at some point in the future. These things aren't going to be the focus of the story, but they will come up, just like they do in reality. If you're sensitive to anything listed above, use your own discretion when choosing whether or not to read this book. *
(crossover harem x male reader)
You have no power whatsoever. You have been bullied because of this by everyone except for the headmasters, teachers, few loyal friends and a little sister. You had enough of everything and leave a letter for them but most importantly to Glynda Goodwitch who you is your adoptive sister that adopt you so you can live with other than your hell. You were then disappeared until 1 month later you return and show everyone that you're stronger than before
You: You may be stronger than me on the ground but in the dark blue sky, I'm stronger than you