PLL Mature Fanfic, Pre-Season 1, regarding a Melissa x Mona encounter. Originally intended to be quick Lesbian Smut, until I realized I could add a pretty well cut plot that wrapped well around the Canon:
Pretty Little Liars Fanfic: In My Darkest Hour: Melissa x Mona
Authors Note: This takes place pre-season 1, because that's the only time period I squeeze this in if I want their relationship to be remotely possible while following Canon. Here's the gist: Melissa just finds out about Spencer and Ian's affair. They break up, of course. On the night of their breakup, Loser Mona is riding her bike through Rosewood, trying to forget about the cruel torture she received from Alison that day at school. On her travel, she stumbles across a heartbroken and emotionally unstable Melissa Hastings walking down the street, in tears. Seeing her, Mona instantly understood her pain, having been in her shoes many times. Never accepted and always in tears herself, Mona is dying to give affection to the emotionally unstable Melissa. They confront, shit happens, the end. The character pairing is really unheard of among the PLL community, but the more I thought about it, the more I wanted it. So I'm really glad I found a place in the canon that I could wrap a relationship between them around, and have it be relatable to the events of the story. Rated M for Lesbian Smut and a very angry Hastings.
| Melissa H. | Mona V. | Ian T. | Spencer H. |Alison D.|Leona V.|CeCe D.|Lucas G.|
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