(violence, sexuality, strong language, trigger...)
Boarding school causes two random people in the universe to share a room together, who knew that those two random people were Harry and Louis. Two completely different people that, really, should of never met each other. Both were resistant of each other, like water and oil. Harry's people and Louis' people never conversed, and when they did, it wasn't pretty. So why on earth did fate put these two together?
Louis, his goals and priorities were like a blinding light for him, reeking a picture perfect boy. He barely lived a teenager's life and was a mother's idea of marriage material for their daughters, he never went to parties and never did anything to embarrass himself. Little did everyone know, he wasn't attracted to girls. But dating wasn't in his mind, he had lost interest in any human emotion and only focused on school and maybe a friend or two. But that was it, he thought all of it was pointless. He would seem like the type to never have a single worry in his life, but there was one that had been kept secret for years and still remained to be one: he had an eating disorder.
Then, there was Harry, he's uncontrollable and angry. Back home in the shitty streets of North Manchester. His mother is divorced and can only pay rent by selling herself on the streets, and the reality of Harry's life which is being poor and fucked around constantly, at the age of fifteen he takes on the lifestyle that had called for him like a dirty rash and turned into a violent, erratic, undisciplined teenage boy that seemed as if he was incapable of loving anyone. His heart once so naive and confused, turned into stone, and empathy was something that he didn't feel. He didn't feel much, only anger and annoyance... (Read further to see the rest of the description.)
"I can't keep doing this," he said as he stopped and glanced back at me.
"You can't keep running either," I said loudly.
That made him turn and face me fully. "Me? I'm the one always running? What about you? You've ran how many times in the past? You've let everyone else control our relationship. Everyone but me!"
"You told me to leave you alone," I yelled. "You said you didn't want any of this anymore. You left the fucking country! You went and never even considered what that would do to me!"
"I lied too Louis! You hurt me and I wanted to hurt you back!" he yelled. "Maybe a friendship is out of the question. Our relationship is beyond repair. All we do is lie to each other." He turned to walk out again and he opened the door.
I rushed to him and reached for his arm. "Harry don't go please." I had never stopped him from leaving before. This time my heart wouldn't let me let him go. "You said you cared and you missed me too." I spoke in a low voice and used his own words against him. A low thing to do but I needed him to understand how much I was hurting.
Note: this is a story of pure fiction. If Harry and Louis are not be together in real life then, we as a fandom, have created a beautiful and tragic love story! I hope you enjoy my work. I put my heart in it. If you're not a Larry shipper don't read this. If you are then I hope you enjoy!!!