"When I wished I was a Witch I meant like an Harry Potter witch, either before or after voldy or outside of England!"
As a little girl I always wanted to be special.
I read anything I could find in the fantasy genre, but the thing I was obsessed with was Witches. From Harry Potter to The Secret Circle, I had read and seen them all. Every single wish I had ever made, from birthday candles to shooting stars, was always the same 'I want to be a witch!'.
But I guess luck wasn't on my side, and I died.
I soo didn't wish to be reborn as the most unappreciated, judgy, witch of the century.
I mean doing dark magic, that's fine.
Dying, well - been there, done that.
Being the anchor, not funny like - at all.
Being stuck in a world prison with a psycho with a weird name, yeah ... I'm changing the timeline.
Screw the writers, this is my story now and Bonnie Bennett is going to be the most badass witch since Qetsiyah, or Dhalia, or Esther, or Silas... whatever ... you get it.
"Why not Davina? Sure she was almost sacrificed by her coven and got locked in a church but at least she dated Kol 2.0 !"