Eight years ago the Armada attacked a seemingly small smuggling vessel. It was, however, working for the Resistance. The passengers aboard: Alura, Autumn, Amber, Angela, their parents, and their parent's crew who was the Radcliffe family. The ship was destroyed, sending Alura, Amber, and Autumn into the Spiral. Angela was captured. Each daughter except Angela was born with a defect. Alura never saw her sisters again.
Eight years ago, Daniel got flung to Mooshu, where he lived a life learning to be a buccaneer. He kept seeing glimpses of a red-haired girl, who seemed vaguely familiar, but he never really knew if she was the girl from his dreams. And then, in the future, he got arrested for brawling, and a red-haired girl was across from him, but then he got whisked off by Boochbeard and Gandry. His life changed. He ended up on Skull Island, hoping to see the red-haired girl again.
Journey with Alura and Daniel on the adventure of a lifetime!