Date: Earth, 8/19/2559. The Master Chief and Arbiter go into a lot of.... trouble. k so the mester chef mets with arbiter and they have a demon baby named dracula k and dracula came to earth but people dont lik him cause he werd k so master chef and arbiter r angry and readic8 erth with the gurdian k then the unsc came and killed chef but wait, chef is still alive and starts war on the unsc with his frejnd arby. arby then calls his covianant forces and raids the unsc stronghold of "omg i love marvel univers k dedpool is best" the stronghold is destrtuyed and arby and chef live happy together. but wait their sun then evolves into a big guardian and hates his prents sso the son starts shooting at chef and arby so chef th3n had to kill his son k but his sun manages to take hold of a grunt body and lives hapily everafter with his grunt family. but chef and arby then attack the grunt family and all the grunts are angry so they create their voltron force big robot and arby and chef kills it with fire. after it dies the gurnts surrender but chef was like, "lolno" so chef then kills all the grunts and elites. but, chef and arbiter find their revived grunt hybrid elite human son and then he flew in a space ship far away. but chef put a tracker on the ship so th3y found the ship and then attack the sun. but since they were in deep space they were then pulled into the dimenson of "Warframe." then mester chef had his armor look white and betr and arbiter turned into a cyborg and chef was like, "who r u" and arbi sed, "im ur nan" so chef killed cyborg arby. (nooo) then chef cried about cyborg arby but remember his son and then tried to kill his son but his son went bak 2 halo universe. but the uss enterprise came ou tof deep space and rescuded master cheif. the master chef then killed all on the enterprise but left a baby alive 2 take care uf. -----5 yrs pass- the baby then turns to a super gurka commando cause of chef and chef names his son "Arby" in memory of the arbitor.All Rights Reserved