Sophie Foster. Y'know, just your average everyday elf. Except she has brown eyes. And more powers. Actually, maybe not that normal. So, it should be normal to meet dragons, right? If she's this weird? And lives with mystical elves? And fights bad guys (read: slight sarcasm)? Haha, no. Dragons don't exist. Especially talking, rainbow colored ones that live in the rainforest.
. . . Or do they?
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This is a fanfic of Sophie Foster meeting the dragonets of Jade Mountain! Well, kind of. Basically just Moon, Winter, Qibli, Kinkajou, the works. Yea! FUUUUN! And, guess what, they go on ADVENTURES (read: slight sarcasm)!
Anyways, I just felt like they had to meet. So yea. I might throw in some HP, PJO, etc. Bye!