2024 disclaimer: Blood Hound is an incomplete Tenkai Knights fanfiction that I started writing in 2016. It's just been sitting in my drafts, collecting dust, but it's kind of nostalgic to me just from how long I've had it in my drafts so I'm going to just publish it as is. Consider it a time-capsule from the old Dani-Phantom. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "How long has it been since we defeated Vilius for once and all? A month or two?" "It's been six full months, Gen." I fall silent. "Where did you go?" Guren laughs and I scratch the back of my neck. "Dream Land, I suppose..." Six full months... I could have sworn it wasn't that long ago... "Hey Gen?" Upon hearing my name I look to the boy who called it, which was Chooki. "This afternoon I have a big soccer game, but these three have plans already...." He smiles at me with a slightly pleading look. "Could you please come? You like sports, right?" I sigh. "Yes, and yes." Chooki perks instantly, saying 'Thank you' too. "Wait- Isn't it supposed to rain this afternoon?" "Pfft, nah! It'll be fine."All Rights Reserved