""And you see, maybe people, maybe we're like those cars. We meet others, we crash, some crashes more powerful than others, we change. Impact. It means the death of something, doesn't it?"
Tim : (adjective), a writer who's feelings are pressed into paper
Lorraine :( pronoun) , a girl with a voice who's never heard
Phoenix :(noun), an artist too scared to leave the rules behind
Atlanta :( verb) , a girl about which stories are written.
When people get tired of words, they make up their own definations. All four of them, fundamenally unsound, shattered. All running, some from things, some from people. But Camp Turmoil is not a place you run to hide. Turmoil is cruel. Turmoil is gentle.
No one escapes it.
Who will go under?
Who will give in to the turmoil inside?
I, Skylar was accidentally sent to a Hot Boys Camp I mean ALL BOYS CAMP . At first I hated it but then I met the boys in my Cabin.
They were the sexiest and attractive people I've ever met. Which made me wanna stay longer..... Oh if I had signal on my phone which I don't because this camp is in the middle of friggin no where I'd probably tweet about this.
Anyways I started to grow really close to one of my cabin mates Caden. He's very flirty,hot,cute......and has a great personality (sometimes). He's the best thing that has ever happened to me in a long time. I am well boy crazy for him. It may sound like I'm obsessed with him but I'm not. I swear.
I've never liked anyone this much in my life. So I plan to be the nicest/cutest girl to him. The other boys tell me that "Caden is hard to get" and hasn't dated anyone in a while.
But I definitely think that will change this summer.
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Skylars summer is about to be filled with joy,happiness,sadness,madness,romance,craziness and more!