This morning, I woke up a happily engaged woman looking forward to my wedding in three days. I was supposed to finish packing up all my stuff in my apartment so I could move into my fiancé Makoto's place.
Six hours later? I'm single, I have to be out of my apartment by the end of the week, I'm being sued by my ex best friend and maid of honor for assault, I'm currently moving in with a really nice stranger I just met in my uncle's bar this afternoon, and I am now pretending to be his fiancé to help his sick grandmother in the hospital get better.
How did my life drastically change in only a matter of hours?
Well, I caught my fiancé in the act of cheating on me. With my maid of honor. In my apartment. Three days before our wedding.
You could say I didn't take that very well, and that's why my former maid of honor is suing me.
My name is Halle Mitchell, and I am a very hard person to be with. I'm a bounty hunter with anger management issues and a wild temper, and after breaking my former maid of honor's nose, I suddenly found myself needing a lawyer when she spun around and tried to sue me for it. Good thing that handsome stranger I was talking about earlier who is now my fake fiancé is also a lawyer.
{My Forged Wedding fanfiction; OCxTakao; cover art was edited by me}
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