Sarah Jane has died over 300 times, but she can never find her way to heaven. Every time she dies so meets eye to eye with the devil himself. "Ah, I see your back early Sarah." He said in a raspy low voice. "I've done everything you have asked! It only ever ends up with me back down here! Please let me go to heaven." I cried. "Now why would I do that?" He flashes a devious smile and then tosses me another file. "I don't want you back so soon this time." Next thing I know, I am sitting on a bench. This time I am different than anything before. I examine my new body. It seems that this time I'm a 6 maybe 7 year old girl. I open the file he gave me. ***** FILE:301 Sarah Jane The Task:Find Mercer's Heart. ***** He only ever gave her one task but there was always much more to be done than just that. She never completed one task without dying. "I'll do it this time! Maybe this is my ticket to heaven." I closed the file and set out determined more than ever.