In a land of bottomless vales and great stony protrusions, two separate kingdoms are at war, one started far before any of the honored elders can remember, and all mentionings in the histories have long since crumbled to dust . Though a treaty has been signed less than a year previously, skirmishes have arisen and the war is destined to flare up once more. The W'rathe : Dark of eye and hair, one green eye, one muddy, quick of wit and sharp of tongue. They are pitted against the Ae'the: Nearly giants in stature, long flax-golden hair, piercing blue eyes, brash in thoughts and bold of arm. The War is brutal and bloody, carnage being accepted as a way of life. Both the W'rathe and the Ae'the have demanded that the surrounding country's offer aid, lest they become enemies of war.
But when a force of darkness arises, seeking out three magical pendants which can grant the user nearly infinite power, bitter enemies must forge alliances to stop it, lest the world around them crumble in their disunity.
This novel is told from all perspectives, on both sides of the war. The characters are many: A broken assassin, an adventuring woodsmen, a slave to his own mother, and more. Join this epic journey and learn that there is always at least two sides to every story, and that the line between hero and villain is sharp enough to draw blood.
Most of us long to "Be" but when the path gets too costly, or steep, we take solace in what we "Have." Remove the trappings of what we own and then what is the sum of us?
They were the survivors, abandoned by the allies who swore to protect, in the ultimate gesture of greed and betrayal. Their world plunged into annihilation and chaos. With the passage of years in this blighted landscape order was established anew. Those who had been anonymous before the war found their will to rule, those who had experienced the comforts and ease of western life, thrust into darkness and despair.
This brutal conflict had awoken those long sleeping, those who had ceased to care, those of immense power, the ones entrusted with the safe keeping of the often volatile mankind. Although their parallel world too was at risk, lethargy and arrogance ruled them.
Against the backdrop of this savage landscape the saga of three such tribes of survivors unfold, and the unwitting chosen among them. One tribe sought to prosper via savagery, one by organized military might, and the other who ruled with no more than fairness and love. Three tribes thrown together, competing for the limited resources to survive, in a world teetering on the brink of total decimation. Driven by human avarice.