he is truly one of the meanest guys I've ever met. he's condescending, and very rude, he can be so close off and goes away for days at a time. but whenever he does tell me things though, I treasure each little bit I get with all I have. he's really flirty, he's beautiful and despite what I said before he's beautiful on the inside too, he can be very kind. he's a good people reader too. he listen even when he says he doesn't. he has an amazing laugh, even if I don't get to hear it often. he's funny and we argue a lot, I've cried a few times, but nothing has ever made my feelings diminished because he's never made me feel like he doesn't deserve it. he's suspicious of love because he's been hurt deeply, the kind of hurt that scars your soul not just your heart, but that's okay because I've been hurt like that too. which is what makes me love him so much more, I want to help him.
Hi, I'm Infinity Trevor
I used to live in Cheshire with my boyfriend and his Family.Me and him were best of pals.Then we started dating. Things was perfect in my life that I would never change a thing. But that was THEN
NOW everything is vice versa. Life is hell. I'm in hell.I'm trapped with a monster and got no chance to escape. My boyfriend Hates me now for what I did. He is happy now with a family of his own but here I'm am standing all alone
Will you save me????
<This is My official work.....No copying my story.if anyone does let me know .Full and Full my hard work.><3
#411 highest rating
(Winner of Rose Awards for best tragedy and Fan Fiction by people Choice)