"Are you cold?" I asked, but something in her thought-filled head forced her to hesitate, and I knew that was enough to cause worry to overwhelm my whole being. She didn't even want to let her lips separate from each other, but mine surely did.
"Something's wrong - tell me," I said, trying hard to at least get her to make a sound, but it had no effect, "Livia, I know something's bugging you - what is it?" Her only response was a step back, while her head drifted down to have her eyes gaze at the snow. I didn't follow, for tears started to descend down her algid cheek. But I finally made my move, when she too noticed that they started to mark the snow below our feet.
"Jack..." she started, "Do you-...do you l-..." God, she couldn't even speak, "Do you love me...?" And I displayed the most flabbergasted face, and I knew what would follow.
"Of course I do - heh - why would you even ask?" I perceived her tears, and that was why my expression changed, "Why are you-"
"You can't! Y-y-you can't, Jack. You just..." She allowed her feet to take another step back, and I followed, until I was able to set my bleak hand on top of her weak shoulder, "Please don't be..." she tells me, "I don't want you to love me..."
Immortality was the best part about being a Guardian, and for Jack, well, he seemed to be taking advantage of it for the most. After the Guardians defeated Pitch, their views for the future all looked blissful. But that wasn't the case for the nipper of noses...
Ask yourself: "Is immortality a gift, or a curse...?"
Answer that later on fellow reader, because both answers are not wrong...
if you plan to read this here are some things you should know
this is after the events of frozen and before the events of rise of the guardians.
jack frost is not a guardian, he is just a spirit, he is a spirit who cannot be scene. he had just awoken a year before and has learned about himself after meeting other spirits and the GUARDIANS themselves. he fkys around the world bringing joy in such terrible times. new deases such as the plague are spreading but when he flys through arendale he see's peafe and happiness, he see's a busy at work queen who is beautiful and shy and responsible for such a young woman, whom he feels sjould be less mature. he trys to get her to have a little more fun even though he knows she cant see, feel, or hear him. but what happens when she does.
they have a connection and understand each other better than anyone in the world. but problems rise. as things all around them try and tear art their love. people, and immortality. will love thaw.