Prelogue It was my first year as a college student at Harvard. I was excited and anxious because I just got into the most famous university in Ivy League (or so I thought) and I didn't want to screw everything up. I was still in Spain when I got my letter, the big one with the brochures and all the information about the school, and I had been waiting for it for what it felt like years. I was hoping that the next years were going to be the most perfect years of my life. Little did I know. If only I knew then what I know now... Chapter 1 My name is Sarah Dean Jackson. I'm a humble girl from Portugal that has a bright mind. I always had this big, big dream of moving to the US and be a scientist. From what area, you ask? I didn't know the answer as well but it was something between Chemistry, Physics and Biology, more specificaly speaking, Medicine. I guess I was "manipulated" by myself and my family and friends and I never knew what I wanted to become. Since I was about six, I realized that what I really wanted to do was work on a lab with chemicals. I still do. But then around 9th grade I also wanted to study the movments and forces of the Universe. I still do. And around that same time, my mom told me her dream before college was becoming a doctor and I thought that would be extraordinary 'cause I could save lives (I blame Grey's Anatomy for that) or even study genetics (I blame Divergent for that). I still do. I also wanted to become a singer, a dancer and an actress. I still do. When I finished high school, it was clear that I couldn't be everything so I had to choose. But I knew that even though I'd choose something, I would miss the others. I guess I had that problem since I was a kid. All my life I felt completely lonely. I could be with someone in the room and still feel lonely. But I disguised that very well because no one ever doubted that I was that confused about life. I was the clever girl. I couldn't have doubts.All Rights Reserved