⠀ "Amberflight, I need you to send a message to the clans," she instructed. The sandy medicine cat tipped her head and stared at the bulky warrior.
⠀ "What message is there to send? There will be a war. Aren't there always wars?"
⠀ "No," Dewfoot snapped. "There has not been a war like this." Authority pulsed through her voice and she raised her chin. "Each of our clans are in danger. If you do not want to send the message, I will find someone who will."
⠀ Amberflight shook her head. "I did not mean to upset you, Dewfoot. What is the message I must send?"
⠀ "Watch this," Lostkit whispered with a devilish grin. The tom, to his best ability, mimicked the way he had seen the apprentices play. However, the kit's stubby legs were not long enough for him to keep quiet. He charged at the rodent, but it easily escaped, unharmed, while the kit plunged into a small ditch.