23-year-old Ariadna Castellano, Moved to Barcelona, Spain After her ex, Sergio Ramos, left her alone with their 2-year-old daughter, Aurora. Her life was a complete mess after that. But with hard work, A Few months after Sergio left, Ariadna opened a Clothing company where she could design until her heart was content. Two years later, Her company was known worldwide. She absolutely loved her job. But there was one downside to having her own company...
She is constantly working and she has no family in Barcelona since she moved from California to Madrid to live with Sergio back then, and she does not want to drop everything she's worked so hard on. So she takes Aurora to daycare.
One day in daycare Aurora makes a new friend, that might change everything.....
So this is a new story!
hope you guys like it!❤️
Sebastian Leclerc
Láska k môjmu závodnému autu bola vždy silná. Okrem rodiny to bolo jediné čo som miloval. Nebezpečie, ktoré z tohto stroja vyžaruje ma priam priťahuje.
Strach nepociťujem. Na trati som ochotný nechať život aj svoju dušu.
Viera tá ma neopúšťa nikdy. Vždy verím, že cez cieľovú rovinku prejdem medzi prvými.
Luna Garcia
Lásku pociťujem od ľudí okolo mňa. Avšak nájdem si aj ja lásku, pravú lásku?
Strach ten ma zviera po celý život, keď sa bojím o mojich blízkych.
Viera - verím, že vždy na všetko je nejaké riešenie.
Obaja odlišní ale predsa si k sebe nájdu cestu. Bude tá cesta ľahká alebo to bude ako na trati? Nebezpečné a plné nástrah?
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