Hodgepodge Academy. The most prestigious arts school in the world. Conveniently located in the corn-studded heart of America, covert and out of sight in Lincoln, Nebraska. They've taught such legends as Michael Jackson, Tom Hanks, James Cameron, and Stephen King. Only the very elite artists get into Hodgepodge, and there hasn't been a new student in three years. This year, there are two.
Enter Louis Tomlinson, a sweet, adorably charming teen from Jacksonville, Florida (originally Nashville, Tennessee) with a penchant for stripes. His parents separated when he was six, leaving him in the custody of his mother, who remarried and had four daughters. He's a vocalist, dancer, and actor who dabbles in playing bass and cello and writing short stories, plays, and screen-plays.
And Toki Wartooth, a shy, quietly friendly teen from the scenic small town Bergen, Norway, (originally Nashville, Tennessee) with an insatiable sweet tooth. His parents separated when he was six, his father moving him back to his hometown, where he became the pastor at their church and remarried, giving Toki twins as siblings. He's a guitarist, a violinist, and chef who loves 'messy' art, writes songs and poetry, and sings on occasion.
Needless to say, everyone is gobsmacked by the pair of endlessly talented brunettes. The roommates are quickly snatched up by One Direction and Dethklok, respectively, two of the three musical powerhouses of the school, and befriended by the third. They're the new, shiny toys that everyone wants to be close to, and they're unwittingly on opposite sides of the biggest school rivalry.