Greetings, ladies and gentlemen to UNDERCAFE! Let our fine waiters, SANS, & UNDYNE show you to your tables! OH, and don't forget! Our dazzling waitresses! ALPHYS, PAPYRUS, & METTATON! Coming to give you your menu's! Once your done ordering, our waitress' will deliver those orders to the cooks of the cafe! GRILLBY, MUFFET, & TORIEL! As you eat our lovely musicians, NAPSTABLOOK and SHYREN serenade you! By the corner.. Oh. JERRY & BURGERPANTS are sweeping up the dirt on the cafe floor! WHAT GENTLEMEN! Goodness, let's not forget the very owner of this fine establishment, ASGORE! Thank you for coming to UNDERCAFE! original here: Droits Réservés
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