Follow the adventures of a girl named Tara Vandette, who was chosen by a tiny fairy-like creature to protect her city, fighting against crime and villains with a mask on her eyes and a sword-edged shield.
As she's doing a rather nice job of keeping her city clean of crime, she meets up with another vigilante, who claims to have a fairy just like hers. As Tara learns a truth Incredible had been afraid to tell, she realizes she has to work with this new hero to take down a major crime boss, no matter how much she prefers to work alone. Its time for Tara and Incredible to see just how well they can work in a team with someone who seemingly has no idea what they're doing.
Mild violence, classic superhero/vigilante action, and magic. No harsh language, mature content, or graphic scenes.
Hope you guys like this! It's just something I came up with on the fly, hoping to have writing material.
Thanks for reading C:
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