Aldub inspired, MaiChard sustained. (This story is NOT INTENDED for the young reader. Parental Guidance is recommended.)
Of Love contains ideas, topics, and events related to ALDUB, characters in a noon-time television series in the Philippines. The story also involves the actors who play these characters as well as the individuals who are these actors.
Of Love is non-canonical and composed of separate parts; distinct from each other although they may share the same topic, theme or context and are not dependent on each other for continuity or context, unless specifically indicated.
Of Love is a WORK OF FICTION derived entirely from the author's imagination and may or may not be based on real life events and individuals. Although real NAMES of people, places, events, or things may be used and attributed to characters in "OF LOVE", these are not intended to represent the real person, place, event, or things from which these were borrowed.
I welcome your respectful feedback and constructive criticism. ENJOY!