Title: A portrait of you Pairing: WooGyu with Ninja pairing Genre: angst Summary: He woke up from a dream and started painting a face of serene beauty A/N: I was searching at Deviant art when sketches of Infinite members popped from somewhere and I was just inspired to write something about them. THIS IS MY FIRST FANFIC FEATURING INFINITE. Do I know them enough to make this work? >Poster details< Original sketch is by Lotte (Lott-lott @deviantart) and I used her sketch to make a digital art for the poster. Of course my work is crap and her sketch is brilliant... >FF disclaimer< I do not own any Infinite members used in the fan fiction. Pairing is based on generally accepted pairing. This is an original story conceptualized by the author; similarities in titles, pairing and storyline is purely coincidental. Plagiarism is not acknowledged by the author.
3 parts