Midnight punches Laurance and Laurance faints. Midnight asks Aphmau, "Do you want me to levitate him into my pool?" Aphmau happily says, "Yeah sure since these stupid idiots won't stop asking me on a stupid date." So Midnight and Aphmau take Laurance to Midnight's pool and throws him in like a frisbee, then they run away back to Aphmau's house. Midnight says "If one more boy comes-" Travis comes through the door and pleaded, " Aphmau will you go on a date with me?!!!!!!!!!" Midnight all of a sudden Travis on his shoulder. Midnight says in an evil voice, "GET OUT OF APHMAU'S HOUSE OR I WILL DESTROY YOU TRAVIS!!!!!!!!!!!!" Matthew walks through the door and sees the whole thing . "Wow, you are finally getting your new powers under control."
"Um," Aphmau said in a small voice, "She's not in a good mood..."
Midnight turns into a full shadow knight and tries to kill Travis. Matthew says, "Midnight get it under control this is not yooouuuuu!!!!!"
"This is the real me-" She yells, her voice is echoing and deeper than normal. Matthew drains her powers and she faints. "Crap! When she wakes up she is going to kill me." Matthew said in fear. They were best friends but Midnight hated always fainting in front of her friends. It makes her look weak. Matthew tells Aphmau "Let's put her in your room for now, she needs to rest and restore her energy." Laurence quietly says, "Nerd." No one heard him. But everyone knew what he wanted to say. Matthew carried Midnight to Aphmau's room. Aphmau heard a scream and ran upstairs. "What was that!?" She yells. "It's me trying to kill Matthew!" Midnight said in rage, "Will you stop draining my powers!?"