This is for the people that love to sing but you have a little stage fear if you like like and comment# It all started when I was nine I love music so much I started to sing it. One day at school I in the halls I was sing in my head o so I thought then I herd a voice saying you can really sing she said can you sing for me I said no she really want you to sing for her so I you sound amazing my brother sounds like you come to maybe you to can sing together OK no were missing class. sorry am late I had to use the bathroom at the after the bell. That day I was wondering should go to her house and sing. So I did when I got there they were warming up so what are we sing siaChandler o I love that song OK here we go ................... U sound good u sound gust like me then a boy walk in I did not know her brother was gay I said hi am Damon how are u am here just sing was my friend so that you boy friend yes o you two make a cute couple. See u next timeAll Rights Reserved