This story captures the life of a young girl named Nicole. Her life as an average teen seemed normal but slowly begins to unravel what took place in her past and eventually takes a drastic turn. Nicole is faced with complications that could greatly have an affect on her life. She and her mother have been slowly growing apart after her father left them. She hasn't been doing her best in school, and she barely goes out with friends. The person she sees the most is her best friend Ericka who is the only one she seems to open up to. Along the way she meets a boy who expresses a liking to Nicole. They slowly develop a connection leading to Nicole slowly piecing her life back together again. They begin to learn more and more about each other everyday, even if not everything seems to be positive. They both share different pasts. Pasts that could carry much more than they are both capable of handling. Are they able to overpass the conflicts and drama thrown into their lives? Read to find out!
*Please do not steal my story! I plan to work hard and be dedicated to making this story the best. I want to dedicate this book to one of my best friends Nicole. I love you all and enjoy the story! :)
**I will try to get started on the story right away and update frequently :D