Life has not been kind to me.
Well, according to records. I can't remember. I was supposedly kidnapped by my mad scientist of a father, only then to supposedly be saved by SHIELD twenty years too late, but I can't be a hundred percent sure because of my shitty memory. Nick and Dr. Garner tells me all this-except the shitty memory part-and that I am supposed to trust them, but I have trust issues.
Wonder why.
I have always wanted revenge for what my father supposedly did to me, so when I got the chance, I took it. Dr. Garner didn't think it was healthy for me because I was "still recovering." I have been with SHIELD for ten years. Pretty sure that any of the healing I haven't gone through by now is never going to happen.
But, back to the topic of my dad. Nick told me they had found out he had become even worse and teamed up with a crazy mechanic, scientist, pediatrician guy, who is really not kind. Apparently, wherever my dad is, so is this guy. So, Nick wants me to take down two birds with one stone and find them both.
Easier said than done when you have reoccurring nightmare that you can't tell if they are memories or not and completely hate your partner.
Shit goes down that ends up with one douche dead, another completely forgotten about, and more than a couple bones broken.
And this was only my first adventure.