While nearly 19 year old orphan Alphie Nylander, struggles to become free from the foster system as her 9 month younger foster brother, Loney Keechka has to secluded Sel Forest Village that holds its own secrets. With death threats above and all around her and feeling suddenly frightfully, helplessly all alone, it is about the strength of the 4 year siblinghood bond of Loney and herself and that of Wolven Beta Lael Jakobsen and his human found mate. About the strength of Pack. No matter the distance apart in futile attempts to for once, protect her brother, not the other way around Loney had always made so. And it is also about the bond of that, even after months of distance, fights and cold silence, will always remain solid and firm. Keeping Betas Mate. Lael with the help of new pack mate Loney, will do whatever it takes, to keep his human mate, this young woman safe.
A genetically unique but emotionally lost teenager must figure out who she is within her mixed-up, warring world of Shifters and Wolfstalkers.
It wasn't Maddie's choice to be born a half-breed, half Shifter, half Wolfstalker -- a hunter of Shifters -- and it wasn't her choice to keep her identity a secret. But after trying to attend high school like any normal sixteen-year-old, things quickly spiral south when her Stalker uncle finds out about her and catapults her out of anonymity and into the awareness--or possibly the crosshairs--of The Order of the Wolfstalker. Maddie must think fast and figure out a way to keep herself and her family safe, or risk losing everything. Including her life.
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