It is the year 1965 in Japan where a village filled with mysterious villagers, kept hidden within a dense forest. Secluded away from neighboring villages whom had never even heard of this well kept and lost village, shadowed by tress and bushes. This is Shiryo Village, a sacred village which is off the map, unknown to any being except for those who live within it's walls. It is unknown as to why Shiryo Village was so isolated from it's neighboring villages, perhaps because the villagers were hesitant to trust other villages or maybe they believed that if they weren't communicating with any other village, they would be safe in case a war struck out. Fast Forward to the year 2049,an elder woman of eighty-four recites a story to her grandchildren. Her name is Nana Yamaguchi and she tells the story of the mysterious village of Shiryo, one which she is unsure whether it had happened to her or not.