Beauty So fragile and striking A wordless wonder That softens the hardest hearts of men And steals the words out of the most loquacious women It gives you an image We ingrain into our memories Tatoo to our chests Imprint into our minds Beast Traipsing through our flowery memories Only to leave waste Your self confidence and joy stolen from right under your nose By a virus that just won't quit spreading A tumour that just keeps growing A cancer that ravages ruthlessly We soon start comparing everything to this form We start labelling things varying degrees of beauty We start molding ourselves and others into this commonly accepted notion of beauty It becomes a religion A cult If you do not fit their definition of beautiful You are shunned Frowned upon Labelled as ugly, but who are we to chose who is ugly and who is not? If we were all made in Gods image then surely we are Flawless? We don't think so You don't think so We become trapped in the tormenting black hole of our poisoned thoughts Like sitting in a empty room without any other form of life We start thinking we already don't count as life So why not make it official? I fear one day the miniscule strength we have to put down that blade will be gone. Vanished into oblivion And we will hit the ground never to get up again Like fallen stars in a b black sky This is not only my struggle but yours Some have it harder than others But at the end of the day aren't we all on the same boat? We are the oppressed Oppressed by society Oppressed by our thoughts And unfortunately oppressed by these so called comrades All that is left of us are the scarce remnants of a once mighty army Proud warriors The beast stole all our fight with the excuse of beauty Because they are one in the same Beauty is the BeastAll Rights Reserved