Michiko, Child of Beauty, lives in a orphanage, her mother missing when she gave her to the care-takers in the orphanage when she was born. Kazumi, Mother of Harmonius Beauty, is her mother that has gone missing for sixteen years now. Her mother left her a note, saying they would always be under the same starry sky together, whether near or apart.
Michiko doesn't live in an ordinary orphanage though. Well, if you knew what or who lived there, you would know why. Different races of people, different people itself, live there, in secret. Ordinary humans still do not yet know of their existence, but if they did, they would call them a danger to the humane(Technically humans are pet's to the Government, and they don't own pets, so they are pets.) society. Only a few are normal-looking, and may be normal, but everyone there is special.
The care-takers, the orphans, even the animals. Michiko is working hard to keep the orphanage secret, like everyone is, but she also wants to find out the hidden message her mother left her is all about. She always knew there was a hidden message, and she must walk the ends of the floating cities just to find out what it means, while getting her education.
Maybe then she could find her mother, once and for all, and be re-united. Or so she thinks.
All of our life, we have been told that we can't travel to different universes, and Juliane is no different. She was living like any normal teenager her age.
One day, some gangsters attacked her mom, forcing her to pay the debts Juliane's father left them with. While hiding in the basement, Juliane found some weird looking crystals and some box that looked different from the things you'll see in this world. Out of curiosity, she tried using the box, which took her to a different universe, which might sound insane for an instance.
Over there, she meets different types of people, she likes some, dislike some, however, there was that certain person she felt a different type connection. What will happen with her? Will this universe be better than hers? How is she going to survive? Will she find some answers to her questions?
- this story may contain some mature content, so read at your own risk