In this magical sequel to the heart-stopping series, HARRY POTTER, you will learn of Harry Potter's son, Albus Severus Potter, and his journey at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Albus Potter's first year at Hogwarts does not go exactly as he planned it. This novel holds many twists and turns, from a confusing surprise at the Sorting Ceremony, to a Muggle Prime Minister that decides he wants a taste of magic himself. Will young Albus Potter be able to walk in his father's footsteps and save the day? Or will he turn out to be not quite the hero type, and maybe even fall prey to the dark forces that threaten to penetrate the walls of Hogwarts once again? Find out in this Harry Potter sub-series...ALBUS POTTER! I DO NOT OWN ANY MATERIAL ASSOCIATED WITH THE HARRY POTTER SERIES. THIS IS PURELY MADE UP AND I AM SORRY FOR ANY FACTS ABOUT IT THAT I GET WRONG. ONCE AGAIN I DO NOT OWN ANY MATERIAL ASSOCIATED WITH THE HARRY POTTER SERIES. BUT THIS STORY WAS WRITTEN BY ME SO PLEASE DO NOT STEAL MY IDEAS. THANK YOU!!