Elsa once said:
"People say that if you want to make a decision you may ask you heart or your brain , but why when it came to me i couldn't ask my heart nor my brain ,maybe because if I asked any of them i will lose both of them."
-"Memories of our childhood should be filled with laughter,pureness and innocence,i mean it should be but it doesn't have to .Not all the memories between us filled with butterflies and rainbows,there were tears,shouting and pain.But i loved it all with all those things and i would never ask for a better one,i would never ask for a better you.I would still ask for those memories since those memories are all i got from you."
-This story is based on true events.
Two childhood best friends made a deal two years ago to have a steamy and secret relationship without any commitment involved despite the fact of them hating each other but full of sexual chemistry for one another. They call it quits after time but these types of relationships never end well.
He needed her more than air itself. He was her breath of fresh air as up coming up from the water. They were never meant to be and they knew it, yet they continue to search for one another in every other person that crossed their path.
Don't be fooled not every romance story is a story of love. Almost always heartbreak needs to play a part.
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"If it's the right person there is no wrong time"